White Wine risotto (Risotto al vino bianco): simple and sophisticated!



By now you probably already know that “Risotto” is one of my favorite dishes and, unusual for an Italian, that I prefer it to pasta. However, risotto requires a more complex cooking process to prepare, so many people are discouraged by this and simply give up on the idea of trying to cook it.

Well, this white wine risotto is extremely simple and quick to prepare (about 25 minutes)- perfect for beginners. It is light and tasty, and equally suited for a family meal or an important dinner.

Follow the ten golden rules for the perfect risotto and the recipe below and you will amazed by the excellent results you’ll get.

INGREDIENTS for 4 servings

2 cups Arborio or Carnaroli or Vialone Nano rice – 400 gr. riso Carnaroli o Arborio o Vialone Nano

1 white onion, medium sized, or 2 small – 1 cipolla media o due piccole

2 Tbs olive oil – 2 cucchiai d’olio d’oliva

5 tbs. Parmesan cheese – 30 gr. circa parmigiano

16 oz or 2 cups good quality white wine – 500 ml di vino bianco di buona qualita’

about 64 oz hot broth (better if homemade) – 1 lt e 1/2 di brodo bollente

1 Tbs butter or mascarpone cheese for the “mantecatura” -un cucchiaio di burro o mascarpone per la mantecatura

salt to taste – sale quanto basta

pepper to taste – pepe quanto basta


Prepare the broth by bringing it to a boil and then keeping it at low heat. (You will add the broth – just a little a time- to the rice in later steps).

Chop the onion and brown it in olive oil at medium heat in a pan big enough to cook the risotto.

Once the onion becomes golden, raise the heat, add the rice, stir the mix, and allow the rice to toast for a few minutes. (With the word “toast” I mean cook the rice and the onion together without any kind of liquid for few minutes- without burning it!)

Next, you will begin the process of gradually cooking the liquids into the rice. It is very important to add the liquids, just a little at a time, and wait until it is thoroughly absorbed before adding more.

So turn the heat back down to medium, add a bit of the white wine, and set your kitchen timer for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally as the wine cooks in. Continue to add wine a little at a time until it is all absorbed.

Once all the white wine is incorporated, start adding the hot broth, a ladle at a time. Again, remember to wait until the liquid is thoroughly absorbed each time before adding more, and stir occasionally. Add salt, as desired.

When there are just three minutes left on the timer, switch off the heat, add another ladle of broth, the butter (or mascarpone cheese), and the parmesan to the risotto. Stir ingredients together and then cover the pot with a lid until the end of the 20 minutes, for the MANTECATURA phase. This process will make your risotto creamy and dense, in other words “all’onda”.

At the end of the twenty minutes, serve your risotto still warm, and suggest your guests sprinkle some black pepper on the top of it, if they like.



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Much thanks,


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